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Köln ANUGA Messe "7 - 11 Oct 2017, Anuga, Köln, Deutschland" Our Stand is : Hot Beverage


Dear Future Partners of Caso-Dom Ltd.

Caso-Dom Ltd. is the world's first manufacturer of Acer Mono Wood Sap Granules and we take great pride on our high quality products!

We are currently searching for partners who will distribute/manufacture our finest product, Maple Syrup Granules.

Maple granules is a natural sweetener that contains plenty of minerals, vitamins and amino acid that are beneficial to human body.

Maple granules has no side effects. (Not like other vitamin supplement products)

Maple granules is naturally sweet but has 1/3 of lower calories than sugar.

Use of Maple granules is limitless: daily cooking at home for healthy diet, manufacturers of breads, puddings, candies, cookies and for coffees, teas or smoothies.

If you are attending Köln ANUGA Messe “Taste the Future", Deutschland from 07/10/2017 to 11/12/16 and interested in Maple Syrup Granules,

please take advantage of this opportunity to visit Caso-Dom, and learn more about our healthy, excellent products.

Our Stand is located at HOT Beverages C069g (CASO Dom.)

We look forward to seeing you at the ANUGA Expo!


CASO-Dom Ltd.


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법인명(상호) : 농업회사법인 (주)카소돔 / 주소 : 55562 전북 무주 무풍 대덕산로 389  

사업자 등록번호 안내 [418-81-29658]  개인정보관리책임자 : 카소돔(  / 대표 : 권현남

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