Focusing on Intellectual Property in the following areas:
Quasi - Medicine (Made in Korea)
- Dr.Ha's 피부살균 소독제
CASO Derm Cure
CASO Easy Care
CASO 뿌리는 소독제
OTC - Cosmetic (Made in Korea)
- 경미한 피부질환치료보조제 Caso Candi Q.
- 경미한 피부질환치료보조제 Caso SkinVita
- 경미한 피부질환치료보조제 Caso HairVita
Pharma (Made in Germany)
Dr.Ha's Skin Disinfectant
- 피부에 서식하고 있는 칸디다균(Candidiasis) 사멸효과.
- 사용 후 5분이내 사멸효과 78.5% 득.
- in-Vivo & Vitro test according to DGHM 2001/2002(Phase 2, Step 2)
and DIN EN 13624 : 2013(Phase, Step 2)
Food (Made in Korea)
카소 고로쇠 분말
- 고로쇠 수액에서 영양분만 뽑아 과립화한 Caso Maple
- 끈적이는 액체 과립화 기술
- 끓이거나 동결건조 방식이 아닌 신기술 특허 득(스프레이 코팅 기법)
- 세계 최초 기술 득
카소 오트밀
- 다이어트 영양식
- 8가지 곡물과 6가지 과일을 튀기지 않고 건조 압착하여 만들어진 제품
카소 sol-70
- 당뇨환자용식품
- 혈당관리, 배변도움, 다이어트 효과
Toll Manufacturing / 제조생산 OEM 대행
Agriculture & Energy
Bio & Technology
Life Sciences
Green Technology
Medical Device
액체 과립화제품생산
화장품,의약외품 액체충진대행
신제품 연구실험
해외연구자료 등
제조서비스가 가능합니다.
Due to our technological capability and capacities we are able to mix almost all which is soluble in or miscible with water.
These services can be offered both for liquid (concentrate) or solid (powder) products. We have more than 20 years of experience in handling of sensitive substances and ambitious formulations. Our customers can benefit from this experience.
Solids (Powders)
Liquids (Concentrates)
Ask us ...
if you intend to manufacture chemical formulations without having capacities or capabilities available,
if you sell products outside your core business which you do not want to manufacture by yourself but which could be manufactured outside your company under your supervision and according to your formulae,
if products should be part of your business in future but you will not be able to produce them economically anymore,
if you are forced to invest to continue your manufacturing process or if you be obliged to improve it,
if you intend to go on with products with dicreasing annual volumes,
if new rules and / or regulations make your production process more expensive.